Place Plant
Place Herbivore
Place Carnivore
Place Meteor
To use a tool, click on it and then click on the appropriate place on the world.
World Dynamics cr : Carnivore Eat rate bodyweight per second in presence of infinite herbivores
cb : Herbivore Eat rate bodyweight per second in presence of infinite plants
cg : Plant Growth rate times existing weight per second in presence of infinite space and fertility
cf : Fertility Change rate proportion per second towards plant density
mr : Carnivore Metabolism rate bodyweight per second lost
mb : Herbivore Metabolism rate bodyweight per second lost
dr : Carnivore Diffusion rate proportion per second
db : Herbivore Diffusion rate proportion per second
dg : Plant Diffusion rate proportion per second
Display Infertile color Fertile color
Show Life proportion of color coming from life (remainder from ground fertility)
Warp (integer) iterations per display frame
FPS : ???
What is going on

There is grass growing (green), herbivores eating the grass (blue), and carnivores eating the predators (red). Each has a density between 0 and 1, which controls the intensity of the corresponding color. There is also soil fertility, which goes up when there is lots of grass around and goes down when there is not. Plants, herbivores and carnivores will diffuse into adjacent regions. Note that is possible for a species to die out. More plants, herbivores and carnivores may be placed by act of god (you) using the tools above. You can also smite the ungodly if you wish with rocks from heaven.

The actual equations used depend upon the constants listed under world dynamics.

The world then evolves according to a discretized version of the following equations, which each variable clamped to the range 0-1:

Copyright 2016 Andrew Conway. All rights reserved. Credits to for some infrastructure code. Picture's creators are in their metadata.